The Registry Team

Manager, Registry
Board Appointed Director
Data Coordinator/Data Operations Lead
Data Analyst/Technical Lead
Project Officer
Project Officer

Registry Annual Data Summary 2022

Every year the ABMTRR produces an Annual Data Summary, which describes the latest transplant activity in Australia and New Zealand. Over time there have been changes in the types of transplants performed, diseases being treated, age at transplant and stem cell source. Some survival data are also included. The Annual Data Summary is provided free of charge to contributing clinicians, and is available for purchase by other interested parties.

Bone Marrow Transplants

Haemopoietic stem cell transplants (HSCT), often referred to as ‘bone marrow transplants’ or ‘blood and marrow transplants’ (BMT), are used to treat a range of both haematological and non-haematological malignancies and other serious blood conditions in adults and children. Indications may include acute and chronic leukaemias, lymphoma, multiple myeloma, solid tumours such as medulloblastoma and neuroblastoma, and other conditions such as aplastic anaemia and immunodeficiencies.

The stem cells may come from bone marrow, peripheral blood or cord blood. Transplants can be autologous, where the patient’s own stem cells are harvested and then returned after high-dose conditioning chemotherapy, or allogeneic, where the stem cells come from a donor. Allogeneic donors may be related to the patient, such as a sibling or parent, or unrelated. Unrelated donors are sourced from donor registries and cord blood banks worldwide.

To find out about becoming a donor, please visit the ABMDR website.